Archive for Februar, 2014

Voting Friday – What’s your favourite Queens of the Stone Age record?


Since they won our last „Album of the year“ contest with Like Clockwork, there are lots of discussions about this record. Some love it, some hate it, but it seems no one ignores it. Now we want to ask you dudes out there, what is your favourite full-length record by QOTSA?!

What’s your favorite record?

Other „Voting Friday“ polls:

Nebula – Favorite Record
Fu Manchu – Favorite Record
Colour Haze – Favorite Record
Kyuss – Favorite Record
Monster Magnet – Favorite Record

1998-QOTSA 1998 – QOTSA
1. Regular John
2. Avon
3. If Only
4. Walkin on the Sidewalks
5. You Would Know
6. How to Handle a Rope
7. Mexicola
8. Hispanic Impressions
9. You Can’t Quit Me Baby
10. Give the Mule What He Wants
11. I Was a Teenage Hand Model
2000-Rated R 2000-Rated-R
1. Feel Good Hit of the Summer
2. The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret
3. Leg of Lamb
4. Auto Pilot
5. Better Living Through Chemistry
6. Monsters in the Parasol
7. Quick and to the Pointless
8. In the Fade
9. Feel Good Hit of the Summer
10. Tension Head
11. Lightning Song
12. I Think I Lost My Headache
2002-Songs-for-the-deaf 2002 – Songs for the Deaf
1. You Think I Ain’t Worth a Dollar, But I Feel Like a Millionaire
2. No One Knows
3. First It Giveth
4. A Song for the Dead
5. The Sky Is Fallin’
6. Six Shooter
7. Hangin’ Tree
8. Go with the Flow
9. Gonna Leave You
10. Do It Again
11. God Is in the Radio
12. Another Love Song
13. A Song for the Deaf
14. Mosquito Song
15. Everybody’s Gonna Be Happy
2005-Lullabies-to-Paralyze 2005 – Lullabies to Paralyze
1. This Lullaby
2. Medication
3. Everybody Knows That You Are Insane
4. Tangled Up in Plaid
5. Burn the Witch
6. In My Head
7. Little Sister
8. I Never Came
9. Someone’s in the Wolf
10. The Blood is Love
11. Skin on Skin
12. Broken Box
13. “You Got a Killer Scene There, Man…”
14. Long Slow Goodbye
2007-Era-Vulgaris 2007 – Era Vulgaris
1. Turnin’ on the Screw
2. Sick, Sick, Sick
3. I’m Designer
4. Into the Hollow
5. Misfit Love
6. Battery Acid
7. Make it Wit Chu
8. 3’s & 7’s
9. Suture Up Your Future
10. River in the Road
11. Run, Pig, Run

2013-Like-Clockwork 2013 – Like Clockwork
1. Keep Your Eyes Peeled – 5:04
2. I Sat By The Ocean – 3:55
3. The Vampyre of Time and Memory – 3:34
4. If I Had A Tail – 4:55
5. My God Is The Sun – 3:55
6. Kalopsia – 4:38
7. Fairweather Friends – 3:43
8. Smooth Sailing – 4:51
9. I Appear Missing – 6:00
10. …Like Clockwork – 5:24

Coogans Bluff – Gettin‘ Dizzy (Album Review)


Coogans Bluff gelingt der große Rundumschlag. The Good, the Bad and the Heavy.

Gettin‘ Dizzy

Coogans Bluff

Die sympathischen Norddeutschen sind schon lange in der Szene unterwegs. Durch ihr 2012 erschienenes Album Poncho Express haben sie sich erneut weitere Fans und Spielfreude angelacht – und glänzen seitdem wie neu. Mit umgestelltem Lineup, kinoreifem Musikvideo und dicken Liveauftritten gilt es seitdem die Meute umzublasen – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes.

Gettin‘ Dizzy ist umgeben von einem Vibe, wie man ihn sonst nur bei großen Kino-Spektakeln zu spüren bekommt. Songs wie Money & Mess oder ganz besonders Heart Full Of Soul klingen wie der Soundtrack für den nächsten bildgewaltigen Tarantino-Streifen. So zerren Coogans Bluff ihren Sarg durch die Wüste – gefüllt mit einem wuchtigen Maschinengewehr. Munition sind Grooves und Riffs in allen Variationen.

Allein schon der Song Too Late fasziniert durch Vielfalt und Einfallsreichtum. So könnte er, ohne die minutenlangen Solo-Parts in der Mitte, locker als Hit auf einer guten Radiostation laufen. Bläser, Bass und Gitarre wagen jedoch lange, verträumte Ausflüge und führen zu einem erlösenden Finale mit Chor, so dass der Track wohl nicht mehr für Otto-Normal-Verbraucher, sondern vielmehr für Liebhaber von Vinyl-Schränken und Ausgefallenem funktioniert. Detailverliebtes Songwriting und Instrumentenvielfalt machen nicht nur diesen Song außergewöhnlich und liebenswert. Die ganze Platte profitiert davon und ist weit komplexer und aufwändiger als die vorherigen Veröffentlichungen. Sie setzt da progressiv an, wo Poncho Express erfolgreich aufgehört hat.

Die Eingängigkeit eines besseren The Heavy Songs, die durchdachte Atmosphäre eines Kino Soundtracks und die langjährige Erfahrung der Rostocker summieren sich erfolgreich zu Gettin‘ Dizzy. Schwindelig gespielt haben uns diese nach knapp einer dreiviertel Stunde definitiv. Die Zeit verfliegt mit solch Ausbrüchen aus der Retro-Schiene, wie dem Country-Track Things I Could Do oder dem Instrumental Ellen James Society sowieso.

Coogans Bluff nehmen selbstbewusst eine Abzweigung weg vom Stoner, bleiben sich und der Wüste dabei trotzdem immer treu und wandern weiter nach oben. Aus dem Esel ist mittlerweile ein junges Pferd geworden und der Sarg zieht sich nicht mehr ganz so schwer durch den heißen Sand. Ein Album das viel verspricht und Coogans Bluff definitiv einen Sprung nach vorne verschaffen dürfte.

Wir satteln auf, wünschen viel Erfolg auf der Reise Richtung Sonnenuntergang und blicken erwartungsvoll in die Zukunft. Den passenden Soundtrack haben wir ja jetzt.

1. Why Did You Talk (2:59)
2. Gettin‘ Dizzy (5:07)
3. Heart Full Of Soul (3:01)
4. Her Tears (4:37)
5. Ellen James Society (4:12)
6. Too Late (8:51)
7. Things I Could Do (2:17)
8. Money & Mess (4:46)
9. Chicago (5:09)

Laufzeit: 41 min

Anspieltipps: Too Late, Why Did You Talk, Heart Full Of Soul

Verwandtes: Album review: Poncho Express

Redakteur rating

User rating
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars6 Stars7 Stars8 Stars9 Stars10 Stars
(18 votes, average: 9,06 out of 10)

Newcomer of the Month – February 2014:

Bong Cauldron

Okay guys, now this is really freakin‘ heavy as f***! Nach den eher experimentell/blues-lastigen Bands (Wucan, Young Hunter, Pretty Lightning) unserer Kategorie Band of the Month, wagen wir uns jetzt in eine völlige andere Richtung. Eigentlich sollten Bong Cauldron die erste Band werden, die wir präsentieren. Das ganze hat sich jedoch so weit hinaus gezögert, dass die Band mittlerweile sogar schon ihre erste (selbst-betitelte) EP auf Superhot Records veröffentlicht hat.

Aufmerksam geworden sind wir auf die Sludge Band aus den Vereinigten Königreichen, durch das abgefahrene Live-Musik-Video von „Pissed Up“ (klick), welchen wir euch auch auf unserem Soundcloud-Account vorstellen. Bong Cauldron klingen dabei wie das blaue Auge nach einer Massenschlägerei zwischen Eyehategod, Pantera und Buzzoven. Was soll man von einem Titel wie „Pissed Up“ auch anderes erwarten?

Wir präsentieren jedenfalls mit Stolz unsere vierte Band des Monats – Bong Cauldron – mit ihrem Song Pissed Up:



  Gegründet   2011
  Urpsrung   UK/Leeds
  Genre   Sludge, Metal, Stoner
  BongCauldron sind…
  • Jay (Drums)
  • Ben (Bass, Gesang)
  • Biscuit (Guitar, Gesang)

Interview (eng.)

Your live music video of Pissed Up on YouTube is great. How did it come to that?

We got asked to play with Trippy Wicked by Joe from Tree of Sores. Straight away got on with them and a short while after the gig Chris got in touch and said he was interested in releasing our EP and helping us out. The superhot session was Chris‘ idea as he had already put one out when he was drumming for Stubb. The idea was we would record the same day as Trippy one band after the other. We all agreed on a monday morning which was a bad idea. All of us were suffering after us guys being at Kin‘ Hell Fest all weekend and the Trippy guys being at Desertfest. After the monolithic fry up Chris made, and all hangover cured we managed to get the video done pretty quick.

How did the band come together?

Biscuit: Myself and Jay have nearly always been in the same band as each other, we were playing in a stoner rock band at the time we met Corky who was playing in a thrash band at the same gig as us. We were pissed up twats that night and seemed to get along. I had wanted to start a band called BongCauldron with a swampy troll infested mangled drug trip vibe for a while. I told Corky after hanging out a few more times and he seemed interested. We were jamming riffs for fuckin‘ ages, originally pure pummelling doom with a real Wizard and Sleep vibe, but after a while the songs started turning a lot more sludge. The final nail in the sludge coffin was when Jay joined, he brought the Eyehategod worship side to the band.

In times like these. How does a band get more people to know them?

Too many bands expect their reputation to carry them early on. The reality is that an agent isn’t going to walk into one of your pub gigs and make you the next big thing, this isn’t ’90s Manchester. You have to work your arse off. If you’re a good band and do the right things, network with the right people, put yourselves forward the right way and generally just don’t give yourself an ego trip, then the chance to make it is there. Look at Conan, two years ago there were about 20 of us watching them in one of Leeds‘ smallest venues, now they’re playing Hellfest. A band needs to make sure they are getting around too, I’ve seen too many bands pull a massive crowd in their own city that would mean fuck all on a line up anywhere else. That doesn’t mean they aren’t good, just that the hype is all localised. All that doesn’t just apply to metal, from working in the music industry you see it across all genres.

Where is your home spot. And what’s the music scene like there?

Leeds. The music scene is brilliant here, loads of people stay on after uni or whatever to play in bands, so there’s a good mix of musicians from all over the UK really. The extreme metal scene is pretty strong, everyone involved is pretty much one big group of mates. New people are always getting involved too, whether playing in bands or as audience members. There are gigs going off left right and centre these days; as a promoter, one of the biggest problems I have is clashing with other gigs, which is frustrating but shows that the scene is strong.

Can you tell us something about your technical gear?

Ben: I know fuck all about the real technical side of my bass setup. I just use what pedals I think get a good tone, plug in and make people shit themselves!
Jay: We recorded with Tom Wright from DSDNT. He ended up being abit of a master with it all us well. He insisted on us recording in this massive warehouse as opposed to a studio. The snare drum sounded huge.
Biscuit: I have no idea why my gear sounds so heavy, I use a shitty Marshall head I bought for £50 and an Epiphone i got from cash converters for £60, but it sounds awesome.

Words to the Community:

Jay: If you’re not making people angry or miserable, you’re doing it wrong.
Biscuit: What is real?
Ben: Headbang until your neck breaks and you die.

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