Goodbye friends: Sungrazer & Been Obscene

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Been Obscene und Sungrazer haben eine Reise der Gemeinsamkeiten hinter sich. Beide wurden von Stefan von Elektrohasch entdeckt und dort unter Vertrag genommen. Beide haben sich eine treue Fanbase erspielt und diese live und auf Platte nie enttäuscht. Und beide haben eine sehr unvorhersehbare und undurchsichtige Auflösung hinter sich.

Aber am aller meisten sind beide Bands über die Jahre Freunde von mir und vielen anderen geworden und diese gilt es nun gebürtig zu verabschieden. Mit diesem kleinen Special hoffen wir ein wenig Licht auf die ganze Angelegenheit der Auflösung zu werfen, alte Geschichten aufleben zu lassen und den beiden Bands noch einmal Tribut zu zollen. Sie haben es verdient. Here we go.

Been Obscene – Freunde der Nacht

Been_Obscene_Stoner_RockBeen Obscene waren gerade dabei ihr zweites Album „Night O Mine“ live zu promoten, als ich die Österreicher im Oktober 2011 zum Interview in Hamburg auf der Reeperbahn (Molotow Club) traf. Als Vorband von White Hills wussten sie sich sehr glücklich zu schätzen. Ähnlich wie Sungrazer strömten die vier sofort eine Begeisterung und Energie für ihr Projekt aus. Erzählten lachend Geschichten von ihrem ersten Treffen mit Elektrohasch-Mastermind Stefan und der Entstehung ihrer Alben. Doch nicht nur den Labelchef, sondern auch mich überzeugten die häufigen Ryhtmenwechsel, die schönen Melodien und die eingängigen Songstrukturen. Eine Aura der Schönheit und Melancholie umgibt den Sound von Been Obscene. Egal, ob Demons, Endless Scheme, Alone, Uniform oder Night O Mine.

Viele der Songs hatten von Beginn an etwas persönliches für mich. So fand ich mich zum Beispiel oft spät Abends auf dem Weg von meiner WG zu meiner damaligen Freundin immer mit Endless Scheme im Ohr wieder. Der Song dauert knapp sieben Minuten. Exakt die Zeit von mir zu ihr. So spielte ich ihn immer. Auch mein Freundeskreis, der nicht in unserer Szene zu Hause ist, hat Been Obscene ins Herz geschlossen. Wenn meine Plattensammlung durchstöbert wird, bleiben sie bei Night O Mine hängen. Wenn sie im Auto genervt durch Unmengen an Stoner Rock skippen, bleiben sie bei The Magic Table Dance hängen. Ein weiterer Beweis für die perfekte Kombination aus Andersartigkeit und Eingängigkeit.

Ich blicke auf tolle Zeiten mit Been Obscene zurück. Mit der Musik und den Musikern. Been Obscene bleiben im Plattenschrank. Freunde, im Herzen. Wir sehn uns auf dem nächsten Festival!

Interview mit den Zurückgelassenen

Reden wir nicht lange drum rum. Die Hintergründe eurer Auflösung waren für die meisten Außenstehenden nicht nachvollziehbar. Was ist passiert?
Zuerst sei erwähnt, dass wir, Phil, Robert und Tommy, dazu nicht viel sagen können und wollen. Peter hat ohne jegliche Vorwarnung oder Äußerung seinerseits Ende September seinen unwiderruflichen sofortigen Ausstieg aus der Band bekanntgegeben. Seine Beweggründe waren und sind uns bis heute nicht schlüssig. Ein weiteres Treffen mit ihm um zumindest die fixierten Konzerte zu retten und damit etwas mehr Zeit für alle weiteren Entscheidungen zu bekommen, scheiterte kläglich. Nach reichlichen Überlegungen und Diskussionen war uns klar, dass wir so schnell keinen gleichwertigen Ersatz für die Konzerte finden werden und als Trio wir unseren eigenen Vorstellungen nicht gerecht würden. Somit erschien es für uns einfach am Sinnvollsten, so schwer es uns auch gefallen ist, einen klaren Schnitt zu machen und das Ende bekannt zu geben.

Ihr wart gerade dabei an einem neuen Album zu arbeiten. Gibt es davon Material? Wenn ja, was passiert damit?
Es gibt einiges an Material, zum Teil schon vorproduziert und gut anzuhören um eine Idee zu bekommen, aber noch nichts fertig aufgenommen. Weiters wurde live der eine oder andere Teil als auch komplette Song schon ausprobiert um Eindrücke des Publikums zu sammeln und die wiederrum einfließen zu lassen. Im Moment liegt alles brach und ob die Songs jemals fertiggestellt und dann Gehör finden werden, können wir im Moment nicht beantworten. (siehe Been Obscene – Unplugged, unten)


Was werdet ihr an der gemeinsamen Band-Zeit am meisten vermissen? Schaut ihr sehr wehmütig auf die Zeit zurück?
Wehmut haben wir keinen. Wir haben erst 2011 unsere erste Tour bestritten und danach begonnen regelmäßig Konzerte zu spielen. Seitdem haben wir viel gemacht, erlebt und gewagt. Nie kopflos, aber doch auch mit Risiko und vor allem zu Beginn meist auf eigene Faust. Wir haben vieles gelernt, manches falsch aber doch auch viel richtig gemacht. Vermissen werden wir bestimmt die gemeinsame Zeit auf Tour. Die unterschiedlichen Charaktere, die dort auf dich zukommen. Die Bühnen, die jedes Mal aufs Neue eine Herausforderung sind. Und vor allem die Gesichter vor der Bühne, die wir mit unserer Musik zum Strahlen bringen konnten. Wir sind wirklich stolz auf das, was wir in diesen knapp 3 Jahren auf die Beine gestellt haben.

Jahrelang bei Elektrohasch, beschreibt uns die Zeit bei der Psychedelic-Schmiede!
Stefan (Koglek) hat den ersten kleinen Traum in unserem Musikerleben Realität werden lassen. Wir konnten es anfangs gar nicht glauben. Seine Worte beim Durchhören der Mixes von The Magic Table Dance „und übrigens, ich mach es“ werden wir nie vergessen. Seitdem hat er uns unter seine Fittiche genommen und ist uns in allen Belangen immer mit Rat und Tat zur Seite gestanden. Selbst die Einladung mit uns 3 Colour Haze Songs zum Album Release Konzert von Night O’Mine zu covern hat er nicht ausgeschlagen. Ein weiterer unvergessener Moment. Generell hatten wir viel Freiraum was das Komponieren, Aufnehmen und Produzieren anging. Alles wurde sehr freundschaftlich und mit größtem Vertrauen gehandhabt, aber nie ohne den nötigen Respekt und dem Feingefühl, dass es sich hierbei auch um ein Geschäft handelt. Elektrohasch hat uns definitiv auch so manche Tür geöffnet, die ohne wohl nicht aufgegangen wäre. Stefans Unterstützung war jedenfalls Gold wert und wir können uns nur nochmals bei ihm Bedanken!

Habt ihr euch in der “Szene” wohl gefühlt, oder seid ihr froh jetzt erstmal Abstand halten zu können?
Zu Beginn war es mehr eine Art Hochschaubahn, ein Auf und Ab. Aus unserer Sicht trug da unsere Herkunft Österreich einen Teil dazu bei. Außerdem hatten und haben wir ein bisschen das Gefühl, dass unsere zum Teil doch manchmal etwas eigenwillige Musik die Leute etwas zwiespaltet. Mit Fortdauer fanden wir aber immer mehr Akzeptanz und Anerkennung bei einem immer größer werdenden Publikum. Dieser Umstand half natürlich sehr, sich wohler zu fühlen. Zuletzt gab es nur noch bestätigendes Lächeln wenn mal wieder ein „was, ihr seid aus Österreich“ kam. Wir waren angekommen und hatten unseren eigenen kleinen Bereich als Band in dieser sehr offenherzigen, treuen und tollen Szene erspielt. Daher sind wir über den Abstand nur froh, weil wir nicht ständig nach der Trennung gefragt werden, aber ansonsten haben wir sie, die Szene, schon sehr in unsere Herzen geschlossen.

Wie war euer Verhältnis zu Sungrazer und was denkt ihr über deren Auflösung? Immerhin eure Label-Brüder.
Unser Verhältnis war sehr gut. Wir haben uns immer wieder gegenseitig unterstützt, unsere Konzerte besucht und auch ein paar Mal das Glück gehabt, gemeinsam aufzutreten. Ihre Musik haben wir höchst anerkennend wahrgenommen. Ihr Erfolg hat uns und das gemeinsame Label beflügelt. Es ist sehr schade, dass sie sich aufgelöst haben. Ihre Geschichte ähnelt sich irgendwie mit unserer. Es kam überraschend und die genauen Beweggründe sind nicht wirklich nachvollziehbar.

Been_Obscene_Stoner_Rock_03Die wichtigste Frage zum Schluss. Klar ist die Auflösung schade, aber was kann man in Zukunft von euch erwarten? Wir hoffen alle, ihr macht weiterhin Musik!
Im Moment nimmt sich ein jeder Zeit für sich selbst, versucht Abstand zu gewinnen und sammelt Ideen für die Zukunft. Been Obscene hat maßgeblich und für immer unsere Einstellung zur Musik und den Anspruch, den wir uns selbst und unseren Mitstreitern auferlegen, verändert. Wir werden selbstverständlich weiterhin Musik machen, aber ob es noch einmal zu einem Projekt wie Been Obscene reicht, das steht in den Sternen. Wir hoffen es sehr, dass zumindest ein Teil von uns diese Chance ein weiteres Mal bekommt. Daran ist aber erst zu denken, wenn Chemie und Qualität eines eventuellen neuen Projekts stimmen. Falls du dich jetzt angesprochen fühlst, in der Umgebung von Salzburg lebst oder es ein leichtes ist für dich hierherzukommen, da melde dich bitte bei uns – – man weiß ja nie…

Egal was ihr macht. Wir danken euch für die tollen Stunden vor, während und nach den Konzerten und wünschen euch weiterhin viel Spaß und Erfolg, bei egal was ihr macht. Wir hoffen euch 2014 wieder sehen zu dürfen. Habt ihr noch irgendwelche Worte an die Community?
Wir bedanken uns bei allen, die uns auf unserem Weg in den letzten Jahren unterstützt, begleitet, gelobt, kritisiert oder einfach nur unsere Musik gehört haben. Vielen, vielen Dank!!! Ohne euch wäre der Traum unsere Musik teilen zu dürfen, auf Tour zu gehen, Covers zu signieren und sich dann wie ein (kleiner) Rockstar zu fühlen, niemals möglich gewesen! Auch der viele Zuspruch nach der Trennung hat uns schwer berührt. Wir können euch gar nicht genug danken! Hoffentlich werdet ihr immer ein kleines Stück Been Obscene in euren Herzen behalten…

Been Obscene – Unplugged

Dass Been Obscene noch nicht ganz los lassen können bzw. wollen hat schon das Abschiedskonzert im Dezember eindrucksvoll bewiesen. Jetzt gehen sie noch einen Schritt weiter und geben ihren Fans noch etwas ganz besonderes mit auf den Weg. Eben dieses letzte Konzert wird als Doppel LP veröffentlicht. Dazu gibt es verschiedene Bestellmöglichkeiten, die ihr hier finden könnt. Unter anderem dabei ist ein 40 minütiger HD Livemitschnitt zum herunterladen.

Been Obscene auf

Sungrazer – Common Believers

SONY DSCMein erstes Mal Sungrazer werde ich nie vergessen. Juni 2010. Ich fuhr mit dem Auto nach Tübingen ins Epple Haus. Auto ins Parkhaus und rein da zu Asteroid und, den mir noch unbekannten, Sungrazer. Damals schrieb ich: „Spätestens bei If (das stark an einen Colour Haze Song erinnert) sind wir überzeugt, dass der Elektrohasch-Neuling echt was drauf hat.“ Hinterher erzählen mir Rutger, Sander und Hans aufgeregt von ihrem Deal mit Elektrohasch und ihrer ersten Platte. Sie lassen mich wissen, dass es heute ihr erster Deutschland-Gig war. Ich dagegen weiß sofort, es war nicht ihr letzter.
Nach den (ebenfalls tollen) Asteroid merke ich, dass meine Karre im Autohaus über Nacht eingeschlossen wurde. Ich hatte letztendlich dann nicht nur das Vergnügen mit (heftig berauschten) Asteroid und Sungrazer in einem Matratzenlager unter dem Dach zu übernachten, sondern auch einen abgefahrenen Jam von Sungrazer, Asteroid und Captain Duff Leuten nachts um drei mit erleben zu dürfen. Was eine Nacht.

Und so wie ich die Niederländer damals kennen gelernt habe, sollte ich sie noch öfters erleben dürfen. Witzig, gut drauf, sympatisch und mit einer Menge Bock zu spielen. Achja, erwähnen sollte man noch, dass Sungrazer sich innerhalb kürzester Zeit von der kleinen Vorband Asteroids zu einer der beliebtesten Live-Formatierungen der jüngeren Generation der Szene entwickelt haben. Mit Common Believer schenkten Sungrazer denen gleich noch die passende Hymne.
Was mir vor allem in Erinnerung bleiben wird, sind nicht nur die Live-Auftritte, die zwei Platten Sungrazer und Mirador oder die Split mit ihren guten Freunden von The Machine, sondern die drei Spinner hinter und vor der Bühne. In einem Arm das Bier im anderen, mich. Good times. Leute, danke für die guten Zeiten. Ich freu mich auf unser nächstes Zusammentreffen und eure kommenden Projekte.

Interview with Sander

SONY DSCLet’s cut right to the chase: The disbandment of Sungrazer really happend for the fans out of nowhere. Could you tell us why Rutger left and especially why you didn’t decide to get another guitar player?
Before I will get to the cutting and the chasing, I have to say that it is still strange for me to hear that we had fans. Maybe the word ‚fans‘ is just a bit weird to me. Makes me think of people going totally nuts and worshipping just some dudes. But I want to say I still feel honoured and thankful that some people liked what we did.
So we quit the band. There were some problems we couldn’t solve and it was only a matter of time before we would have to stop. So when Rutger pulled the plug it didn’t came as a surprise for Hans and me. Although it happened earlier than we expected, right before our show on Duna Jam.

Hans and I knew immediately we weren’t going on with the band and search for other members. I think this had more reasons. First of all no one was replaceable in this band. It’s not about playing some notes on a guitar. It’s about a person who puts his heart and soul in it. Without Rutger, or anyone else, it wouldn’t be Sungrazer. That’s how we always saw it. Also we had these problems for a while and we became pretty tired of it. So it was a relief I think for all of us when we broke up the band. And it felt like a good time to let new inspiration flow and make new stuff.

Common Believer really is some kind of “hit”. Why do you think that is. And did sometimes people always scream for it and you didn’t want to play it, like The Doors hated to play Light My Fire?
Haha. Well I always enjoyed playing that song. It’s a great song! We did some serious stoner bashing time together with the crowds on that one! Guess it has the right beat and the perfect riff for it. And I got the chance to do some serious trashing in that song, which I liked. Of course we never tried to write a hit or anything. It was just a song we wrote like any other song. But some how it became sort of an anthem for us. These things can happen. So even though it might be our „Light My fire“ or „Smells Like Teen Spirit“ or „Tempel“ or whatever you want to call it, we always played it and I always enjoyed it.

SONY DSCWhat will you miss the most regarding the times with the band? Do yoo look back with melancholy?
I don’t know. I miss the good times we had. For Sure. But I wouldn’t want to get back together or go on with the band. It was fun. Next question?!

You were quite some time on the amazing Elektrohasch-Label. Could you describe the time there and with Stefan?
You make it sound like we were all living in a big Elektrohash cabin somewhere in the Bavarian forest. Haha! Smoking pipe. Chopping wood. Does that sound strange to you? Well, sometimes it felt like that. We had the feeling we were part of a family. And we were so happy when we could release our first record on the label! Amazing times. We were all Colour Haze fans, you know. And not the totally nuts going and worshipping kind of fans. But more like the guys who went to a Colour Haze show for the first time and walked into the venue during their soundcheck through the backdoor by accident and just stood there watching the back of their amps while they were soundchecking and we could only smile to each other… that kind of fans. So yeah it was amazing to be a part of it.

Did you feel comfortable within the „scene“ or are you happy to finally get some distance to it?
Yes I felt comfortable with the scene we were in. Most of these people are really dedicated to the bands and the music. They are really listening to what you are doing. And they are also really high.

How was your relationship with Been Obscene and what do you think about their break-up? You are label-brothers after all.
What can I say? Bummer dude…

The most important questions at the end. Of course it’s a shame Sungrazer is no more, but we are looking forward to other projects by you guys. What can we expect?
A shitload of noise!!! With a twist of lemon. (please keep in mind I’m answering these questions by myself and not on behalf of the other guys)

SONY DSCWe want to thank you for the fun times before, during and after your concerts and wish you a lot of fun and success furthermore. We really hope to see you guys again 2014. Do you have anything to say to the community?
Yes I have something to say to the community: Hey community! What’s up?! Hang in there & hang loose! See you soon community. I still think of you…

A message from Rutger

The message I’d like to give the community would be „Common Believer“. And also I would like you to know that Cigale is my new love. I’m sorry to hear that Been Obscene split up, they were friendly persons who made good music. I wish for everyone that your dreams may come true!

Sungrazer auf

article and interview Tim B.


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Been Obscene and Sungrazer have a journey of similarities behind them. Both were discovered by Stefan of Elektrohasch and taken there under contract. Both have earned a loyal fan base and never disappointed them live or on record. Also both split up in a very unpredictable and incomprehensible way.

But most of all, over the years, both bands have become friends of mine and many others. And now we have so say goodbye in a proper way. With this little special, we hope to throw some light on the whole matter of the split, to retell old stories and to pay tribute to the two bands once more. You deserve it. Here we go.

Been Obscene – Friends of the Night

Been_Obscene_Stoner_RockBeen Obscene just were around to promote their second album „Night O Mine“ live when I met the Austrians in October 2011 for an interview in Hamburg on the Reeperbahn (Molotow Club). As the opening act for White Hills they seemed very happy. Similar to Sungrazer they instantly flourished in enthusiasm and energy for their project. Telling and laughing about stories of their first meeting with Elektrohasch mastermind Stefan and the making of their albums. But they not only convinced the label boss, but also myself with various rythm changes, the beautiful melodies and catchy song structures. An aura of beauty and melancholy surrounds the sound of Been Obscene. Whether Demons, Endless Scheme, Alone, Uniform or Night O Mine.

Many of the songs were from the beginning something personal for me. So for example I found myself often late at night on the way from my shared flat to my then-girlfriend always with Endless Scheme on the iPod. The song lasts almost seven minutes. Exactly the time from my place to hers. So I played it every time. Even my friends, who are not home in our scene, have fallen in love with Been Obscene. If they go through my record collection they get stuck at Night O Mine. If they skip annoyed through endless amount of Stoner Rock in my car, they get stuck at The Magic Table Dance. Another proof of the perfect combination of originality and catchiness.

I look back at great times with Been Obscene. With the music and the musicians. Been Obscene remain on the record shelves. Friends, in the heart. We’ll see you at the next festival!

Interview with the abandoned

Let’s cut right to the chase. The fans did not quite get why you guys split up. What happend?
First of all we, Phil, Robert and Tommy, want to mention that we can’t and don’t want to say much about it. By the end of September Peter has announced his irrevocable immediate withdrawal from the band without any warning or sharing some thoughts beforehand. Still to this day his reasons aren’t conclusive for us. Another meeting to at least save the already booked shows and thereby gain more time for the additional decisions failed miserably. After plenty of thoughts and discussions it was clear for us, that we won’t find an equal substitute on such short notice nor we would satisfy our expectations as a trio. Consequently making a clean cut and announce the end of the band, made the most sense to us, as painful as it was.

You just were in the middle of making a third record. Is there material available? If so, what will happen with it?
There is some material, parts of it pre-produced to get a better idea, but nothing completely recorded. Furthermore some of that material was already played live to collect the audience’s reaction and slip that into the songs again. At the moment everything lies idle and if it is ever going to be completed and then be heard, we can’t answer right now. (see Been Obscene Unplugged below)


What will you miss the most when you think about the times with the band. Are you looking back in melancholy?
We don’t look back in melancholy. In 2011 we first played our initial tour and then started gigging on a regular base. Since then we have experienced, risked and done a lot. Never headless but always with a good portion of venture and at the beginning mostly on our own. We learned a lot, did some things wrong but also many quite right. We will definitely miss the time being together on tour. The different characters which approach you. The stages that are a new challenge every time you hit them. And most of all the faces in front of the stage, which we were able to make them smile with our music. We are really proud of what we have accomplished in the past 3 years.

You were on the label Elektrohasch, tell us about your time there!
Stefan (Koglek) let our first small musician’s dream become reality. At first we couldn’t believe it. We will never forget his words “and by the way, I do it” when we listened to the final mixes of The Magic Table Dance. Since then he took us under his wings and stood by our side with help and advice. He even agreed to cover 3 Colour Haze songs for the Night O’Mine album release. Another unforgotten moment. In general we had a lot of freedom regarding composing, recording and producing. Everything was handled very friendly and with huge faith, but never without showing the needed respect and sensitivity that this is also a business relationship. Elektrohasch has definitely opened some doors for us, which we would have never gotten to without. Stefan’s support was worth a mint and we can only thank him again big times!

Did you feel comfortable withing the „stoner rock scene“ or are you happy to have some distance now?
At first it was more rollercoaster like, an up and down. From our point of view being from Austria was a part of it. On top of this we had and have the feeling that our, in some parts a bit arbitrary, music gets the audience into a conflict. But with persistence we found more acceptance and recognition from a constant growing crowd. Of course that helped a lot to feel much better. At last there were only confirming laughs we when heard another “what, you guys come from Austria”. We have reached the point where we got our own little place in this very openhearted, faithful and awesome scene. Therefore we are only happy about the distance because we aren’t constantly confronted with the band split, otherwise we definitely have her, the scene”, locked in our hearts.

How was your relationship towards Sungrazer and what do you think about them splitting up? You were label brothers after all
Our relationship was very good. We have supported each other on and off throughout the years, went to each others shows and were also lucky enough to share the stage a couple of times. We have highly appreciated their music. Their success has inspired the common label and us. It is very unfortunate that they split as well. We can even see some similarities. It was very surprisingly and the exact reasons aren’t really understandable.

Been_Obscene_Stoner_Rock_03The most important question at last. Of course the split up is very sad, but what can we expect in the future from you guys? We alle hope you keep on making music!
At the moment we are taking some time off for ourselves, try to gain distance from what happened and collect ideas for the future. Been Obscene has significant and forever changed our musical mindset and the demand, we put on our and the shoulders of our colleagues. We definitely keep on going to make music, but if it will be enough for another project like Been Obscene, that’s written in the stars. We really hope that at least some of us will get a second chance. But first chemistry and quality have to be right to consider a new project. In case you feel addressed now, you live in or near Salzburg or it’s easy for you to get here, please don’t hesitate to contact us – – you never know…

Doesn’t matter what you do. We would like to thank you for the great times we had before, during and after your shows. We hope to see you again in 2014. Do you have some words to the community of
We want to thank everybody, who has supported, accompanied, lauded, criticized or only listened to our music in the last couple of years. Thanks a million!!! Without you our dreams of sharing our music, getting on tour, signing covers and feeling like a (small) rock star would have never come true. Also the huge consolation after the split was really touching. We can’t thank you enough! Hopefully you will always keep a little bit of Been Obscene in your hearts…

Been Obscene – Unplugged

That Been Obscene still can not quite let go (or want to), they already impressively demonstrated at their farewell concert in December. Now they go one step further and give their fans something very special on the way. It is this last concert which will be released as a double live LP. There are several ordering options, which you can find right here. Among other things, a 40 minute HD live recording will be there for you to download.

Been Obscene on

Sungrazer – Common Believers

SONY DSCMy first time Sungrazer I will never forget. June 2010. I drove to the Epplehaus in Tübingen by car. I put it into the parking garage and got in there to see Asteroid and the, to me yet unknown, Sungrazer. At the time I wrote: „At the latest after seeing them play If (which is strongly reminiscent of a Colour Haze Song), I am convinced that the Elektrohasch newbie really is here to stay.“ Afterwards Rutger, Sander and Hans tell me excited about their deal with Elektrohasch and their first record. They let me know that it was their first gig in Germany today. I by then already immediately know it was not going to be their last one either.
After the (also great) Asteroid gig, I realize that my car was trapped in the car parking house overnight. I eventually had to stay at the venue and not only had the pleasure with (violently intoxicated) sleep with Asteroid and Sungrazer in a dormitory under the roof, but also get to see a funky jam of members of Sungrazer, Asteroid and Captain Duff at three o clock in the night. What a blast we had.

And just as I got to know the Dutch at that time, I should be able to experience them a lot more times. Funny, in a good mood, friendly and always eager to play on stage. Oh, I also should mention Sungrazer went from being Asteroids little support act to one of the most popular live bands of the younger generation of the scenes fans within a very short peroid of time. With Common Believer Sungrazer also gave them a never to be forgotten anthem.
What will remain in my memory in particular, are not only the live performances, the two records Sungrazer and Mirador or the split with their good friends of The Machine, but the three dudes behind and in front of the stage. In one arm the beer in the other – me. Guys, thanks for the good times. I’m looking forward to our next encounter and your upcoming projects.

Interview with Sander

SONY DSCLet’s cut right to the chase: The disbandment of Sungrazer really happend for the fans out of nowhere. Could you tell us why Rutger left and especially why you didn’t decide to get another guitar player?
Before I will get to the cutting and the chasing, I have to say that it is still strange for me to hear that we had fans. Maybe the word ‚fans‘ is just a bit weird to me. Makes me think of people going totally nuts and worshipping just some dudes. But I want to say I still feel honoured and thankful that some people liked what we did.
So we quit the band. There were some problems we couldn’t solve and it was only a matter of time before we would have to stop. So when Rutger pulled the plug it didn’t came as a surprise for Hans and me. Although it happened earlier than we expected, right before our show on Duna Jam.

Hans and I knew immediately we weren’t going on with the band and search for other members. I think this had more reasons. First of all no one was replaceable in this band. It’s not about playing some notes on a guitar. It’s about a person who puts his heart and soul in it. Without Rutger, or anyone else, it wouldn’t be Sungrazer. That’s how we always saw it. Also we had these problems for a while and we became pretty tired of it. So it was a relief I think for all of us when we broke up the band. And it felt like a good time to let new inspiration flow and make new stuff.

Common Believer really is some kind of “hit”. Why do you think that is. And did sometimes people always scream for it and you didn’t want to play it, like The Doors hated to play Light My Fire?
Haha. Well I always enjoyed playing that song. It’s a great song! We did some serious stoner bashing time together with the crowds on that one! Guess it has the right beat and the perfect riff for it. And I got the chance to do some serious trashing in that song, which I liked. Of course we never tried to write a hit or anything. It was just a song we wrote like any other song. But some how it became sort of an anthem for us. These things can happen. So even though it might be our „Light My fire“ or „Smells Like Teen Spirit“ or „Tempel“ or whatever you want to call it, we always played it and I always enjoyed it.

SONY DSCWhat will you miss the most regarding the times with the band? Do yoo look back with melancholy?
I don’t know. I miss the good times we had. For Sure. But I wouldn’t want to get back together or go on with the band. It was fun. Next question?!

You were quite some time on the amazing Elektrohasch-Label. Could you describe the time there and with Stefan?
You make it sound like we were all living in a big Elektrohash cabin somewhere in the Bavarian forest. Haha! Smoking pipe. Chopping wood. Does that sound strange to you? Well, sometimes it felt like that. We had the feeling we were part of a family. And we were so happy when we could release our first record on the label! Amazing times. We were all Colour Haze fans, you know. And not the totally nuts going and worshipping kind of fans. But more like the guys who went to a Colour Haze show for the first time and walked into the venue during their soundcheck through the backdoor by accident and just stood there watching the back of their amps while they were soundchecking and we could only smile to each other… that kind of fans. So yeah it was amazing to be a part of it.

Did you feel comfortable within the „scene“ or are you happy to finally get some distance to it?
Yes I felt comfortable with the scene we were in. Most of these people are really dedicated to the bands and the music. They are really listening to what you are doing. And they are also really high.

How was your relationship with Been Obscene and what do you think about their break-up? You are label-brothers after all.
What can I say? Bummer dude…

The most important questions at the end. Of course it’s a shame Sungrazer is no more, but we are looking forward to other projects by you guys. What can we expect?
A shitload of noise!!! With a twist of lemon. (please keep in mind I’m answering these questions by myself and not on behalf of the other guys)

SONY DSCWe want to thank you for the fun times before, during and after your concerts and wish you a lot of fun and success furthermore. We really hope to see you guys again 2014. Do you have anything to say to the community?
Yes I have something to say to the community: Hey community! What’s up?! Hang in there & hang loose! See you soon community. I still think of you…

A message from Rutger

The message I’d like to give the community would be „Common Believer“. And also I would like you to know that Cigale is my new love. I’m sorry to hear that Been Obscene split up, they were friendly persons who made good music. I wish for everyone that your dreams may come true!

Sungrazer on

article and interview Tim B.